Tony Talks!
[ I regret the original photos have been temporarily misplaced but will be added to the site once relocated. In the meantime only these smaller, almost thumbnail photos are available. ]
The Wellington Branch display was held as part of the Model Railway and Toys Show organised by the Marklin Model Railway Club. It was held in the Upper Hutt Civic Hall on Sat 10th and Sun 11th of March, 2001. The complex comprises several areas and the main hall is large. Setup began on Friday night with the arrival of the first train layouts, the Lego Train layout and display, our static display and a static display by the Meccano Club. Some of the Trade stands also set up on Friday night. Sadly the Doll Collectors pulled out at the last minute so it wasn't as "rounded" a display as it could have been.
The ever helpful Tony Robinson points the way.
I arrived around 7:30pm and since I was by myself it took me until nearly 9:00pm to drag in my collapsible display stands (thanks DAD!) and to fill the first cabinet with MB 38s (over 90 of them chosen to provide that big splash of colour). I then proceeded to fill the second cabinet with Russian made models and the third with Road Champs (1/43 scale). I left around Midnight and headed back to Wellington for some sleep.
Saturday morning I was off again to Upper Hutt to help Ron Ford and Tony Robinson set up their models. Tony brought along a good selection of Fire related models ranging from handcarts to sleds to large ladder appliances. He also had a new kit on hand to work on, although in the end little work was done on it as he spent a great deal of Saturday morning and Sunday talking to everyone who showed an interest in the display (see photos). Ron had a great display of Micro Models on hand and he felt it only fair to bring along a good selection of Marklin model cars and trucks too! I added to our display by using a spare table on which I positioned a few 1/87th scale models (HO) to catch the eye of the rail modellers! I shot through around Noon to work in the shop but I understand the day was well patronised by the public and breakeven point for the display was achieved around 4 pm.
Unfortunately my first attempt at getting photos on a borrowed digital camera proved a disaster as they all came out fuzzy. So Sunday saw me arrive bang on opening time at 10:00 am ready to try again. The hall filled steadily and Tony and I almost talked ourselves hoarse by the end of the day. There were plenty of people interested in specific types of model car/truck and the ever prevalent VW collectors were oft to be found drooling over Ron's Marklin VWs. There seemed to be a large number of grandparents with grandchildren and the phrase "Hands behind your backs please" was heard with great regularity as they moved between the various displays. Hats off to the Marklin guys who made sure there were a few hands on displays for the kids including Thomas type things. Things petered off slightly around Noon but there was a surge of people around 1:30 pm that saw the venue well patronised until 4:00pm when the display closed. Within an hour the only things left in the hall were my models (as I was still packing them up) and a few Marklin club members who were on cleaning duty! I was the last exhibitor to leave (around 5:30pm) and would have been there longer if Ron hadn't helped pop things back into their boxes - Thanks Ron! Sadly my second attempt at taking photos was no better than my first but I did manage to get a few shots in focus! These will be displayed on the Club website (http://www.nzmvc.in-newzealand.com) and Lee may copy some for inclusion in the magazine.
From a Club point of view it was a worthwhile effort as it helped expose the Club to a wider range of people than we normally talk to and it was interesting to see the number of people who collect on more than one front. A number of the people I spoke to indicated they will be popping along to the model swapmeet next week so Ron and I will have another opportunity to talk to them then.
Some more photos:
![]() Ian Cousins' - Russian, Mcdonald's and Misc. |